Fotovoltáicos – Análise solar para um complexo residencial comunitárioPhotovoltaics – Shadow analysis for a comunitarian residential complex

Groningen – The Netherlands — Since its inception in the 80s, the group Centraal Wonen de Heerd had in its principles the concern with the use of renewable energy. But only now the possibility that its energy comes from clean and local source is coming to fruition. The medium-term goal…

Telhados vivos – O retorno ao óbvioLiving roofs – Returning to obvious

 Por Ézio Moura Rinaldi Civilizações antigas já se serviam desta técnica simplesmente porque tornava o ambiente mais fresco e suportável. Com o desenvolvimento das tecnologias, abandonou-se esta técnica substituindo-a por sistemas de ar condicionado e muitas outras alternativas que consomem energia. Com a expansão das cidades, o uso desordenado do…

Fotovoltaicos atenuam dependência de sistemas de ‘back-up’Photovoltaics lessen dependence on ‘backup’ systems

Climate change has caused great impact in Brazil’s energy matrix. Composed largely of clean energy, mainly hydropower, Brazilian energy matrix is vulnerable to seasonality periods of drought and rain. In times of drought the use of thermal power plants works as a backup, although this issue is still discussed. Every…